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video embed is messing up, can't select send | Forum

tracy Dec 19 '12
there is a random problem with embedding video, after you do the embedding, the table that the video is shown in doesn't expand to the video size so the send button isn't active unless you click on the x button, then you can select send....but no one will know to do this, they will just assume that they can't embed videos......but if you follow the process i just explained, and go to embed another video, it works just fine, the table expands to the accomadate the video and the send button is active.....
tracy Dec 19 '12

Quote from tracy there is a random problem with embedding video, after you do the embedding, the table that the video is shown in doesn't expand to the video size so the send button isn't active unless you click on the x button, then you can select send....but no one will know to do this, they will just assume that they can't embed videos......but if you follow the process i just explained, and go to embed another video, it works just fine, the table expands to the accomadate the video and the send button is active.....

and now it's not even random, it's consistently doing it
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Are you using any external theme?
tracy Dec 19 '12
but i noticed if you just paste the video url into the feed, it will do just fine

tracy Dec 19 '12

Quote from Purusothaman Ramanujam Are you using any external theme?

no, i'm using origin theme....it attaches images just fine, but when adding the embed code is when it is doing it.....
tracy Dec 20 '12
i have it installed on my test server, mowes portable, but that shouldn't cause it, mowes has never caused me problems before....

tracy Dec 20 '12
easiest explanation, the div isn't expanding to encompass the video and the sub div that the player is in is extended to the right, over the send button, rendering the send button useless....
Alia Team
Alia Dec 21 '12
Topic was moved from General Questions.
tracy Dec 22 '12
has no one else seen this bug? maybe no one has tried embedding a video on the newsfeed yet.....
tracy Dec 22 '12

here is a pic of the newsfeed messing up, if you notice, the box that the video is supposed to fit in, is shorter than the video...and the send button is rendered useless.
tracy Dec 22 '12
this happens no matter what theme i use
Alia Team
Alia Dec 24 '12
Tracy which browser ( name+version) did you use? I have been testing in Firefox 15 , but everything works ok there.
tracy Jan 2 '13
i actually reinstalled and it's working okay there. thanks aliia
tracy Jan 6 '13
the problem came back up and i fixed it....i actually fixed another problem too where the video  overlays the add embed code window so that you can't click the add button in internet explorer..... the fix is on this page

Shane Feb 24 '13
Quote from tracy

here is a pic of the newsfeed messing up, if you notice, the box that the video is supposed to fit in, is shorter than the video...and the send button is rendered useless.

Visually this looks like the problem I have with the Disable Rich Media settings, but I want to remove the ability for users to upload the Rich Media in all instances (except the photo gallery plugin). 
The Forum post is edited by Shane Feb 24 '13
Alia Team
Alia Feb 25 '13
Shane, we were not able to reproduce the problem reported by Tracy.

>>but I want to remove the ability for users to upload the Rich Media in all instances (except the photo gallery plugin).

You will need to modify .html files ( remove "Video" and "photo" icons) of "Newsfeed" plugin.