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Evgeniy Dec 20 '12
I created group, the description and the name I gave on Cyrillics, as a result:

Probably that on the group page not the correct coding which doesn't support Cyrillics?

SPIDER-L33T Dec 21 '12
В свойствах браузера посмотрите какая кодировка стоит на этой странице.

Попробуйте эту же страницу открыть в другом браузере

Alia Team
Alia Dec 24 '12

Check encoding for this page in your browser's settings.
Try opening the same page in other browsers.
Marat Apr 10 '13
Same problem at 1.5.2 version.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 10 '13
Marat, I was not able to reproduce the issue in 1.5.2.
Try SPIDER-L33T' suggestion.

Marat Apr 11 '13
Thnx, i will try. 

Maybe this info can help you:

When i stay at Gropus list page - all ok:

And page encode = utf-8

When i go to group info page when i see (all meny in cyrylic):

And page encode automaticaly go to Cyrylic (windows).

The same in admin plugin:

All check all files from ow_plugin\groups for file encode = utf-8.

Thnx a lot

Alia Team
Alia Apr 12 '13
Marat, when you have created this group and added title, description and etc. which encoding was used  in your browser? Seems like data ( text) was saved in database in incorrect encoding.

Try creating new group in another browser, make sure that it is using utf8.

I am still not able to reproduce the issue on my end.
Marat Apr 12 '13
this is problem not about data or browsers encoding. 

Why is that when the page is rendered with a group there is a change in the response header from the server to windows-1251.If you set in config file 

 define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false); - TRUE 

then encoding ok. I don't find any in php code. 

But if i cut this^

  $componentPanel = new ADMIN_CMP_DragAndDropAdminPanel($place, $dbComponents);        $componentPanel->setPositionList($dbPositions);        $componentPanel->setSettingList($dbSettings);        $componentPanel->setSchemeList($schemeList);

from admin->panel then encoding for page admin Ok..... 

Marat Apr 12 '13
http://friendfish.ru/groups/1  - see response header (windows1251 - not ok)

http://friendfish.ru/groups/   - see response header (utf8)

Admin page (admin/plugins/groups) like groups/1/ response header 1251

Marat Apr 12 '13

My web-server have default charset windows1251. 

But groups plugin don't set in PHP headers...

My fix in .htacces setdefault charset
