Probably that on the group page not the correct coding which doesn't support Cyrillics?
Попробуйте эту же страницу открыть в другом браузере
Maybe this info can help you:
When i stay at Gropus list page - all ok:
And page encode = utf-8
When i go to group info page when i see (all meny in cyrylic):
And page encode automaticaly go to Cyrylic (windows).
The same in admin plugin:
All check all files from ow_plugin\groups for file encode = utf-8.
Thnx a lot
Why is that when the page is rendered with a group there is a change in the response header from the server to windows-1251.If you set in config file
define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false); - TRUE
then encoding ok. I don't find any in php code.
But if i cut this^
$componentPanel = new ADMIN_CMP_DragAndDropAdminPanel($place, $dbComponents); $componentPanel->setPositionList($dbPositions); $componentPanel->setSettingList($dbSettings); $componentPanel->setSchemeList($schemeList);
from admin->panel then encoding for page admin Ok..... - see response header (utf8)
Admin page (admin/plugins/groups) like groups/1/ response header 1251
My web-server have default charset windows1251.
But groups plugin don't set in PHP headers...
My fix in .htacces setdefault charset