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Who has the cure for cancer? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Fargo Dec 28 '22

As explained here several times a day, cancer is not the same thing. It has different forms and behavior depending on where it arises from which organ. Many cancers can be cured if they are found at a curable stage with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery: any or all combinations of these.

So, the answer to your questions: doctors who treat cancer.

max Dec 28 '22
After mitosis stops in cancer cells, mebendazole initiates apoptosis (cell death) in cells. However, this mechanism has not been fully understood. The chemotherapeutic agent paclitaxel acts on these cancer cells in a manner similar to  mebendazole for human cancer  in more than one way, inducing mitochondrial destruction and inducing apoptosis. It causes phosphorylation of certain proteins
The Forum post is edited by max Dec 28 '22
theodore evans
theodore evans Dec 29 '22

You tell great stories, no doubt about it. Thanks for letting us know about your blog fnaf

Lisa Gregory
Lisa Gregory Oct 24 '24
Cancer is a complex and diverse disease, varying greatly depending on the organ it arises from. Treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are common, but their effectiveness depends on the cancer's stage and type. When my close relative was going through treatment, we found Cancer Care Connect to be an invaluable resource. The site offers practical advice, explains medical jargon, and guides patients through every step of their journey. If you're navigating cancer care, I recommend checking out https://cancercareconnect.netTheir insights helped us make informed decisions with confidence.