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How do I learn to surf CS:GO? | Forum

Naruto Usumaki
Naruto Usumaki Dec 30 '22
How do I learn to surf CS:GO?
Max Velin
Max Velin Dec 30 '22
The most important thing for training is to choose the right server here https://xplay.gg/mode/retake . For starters, you will have to use the A and D keys to move left and right. Since most of the momentum is automated, players will not have to worry too much about the W or S keys when moving. These keys focus more on the character's momentum. The goal is to try to hold onto the edge of the ramp for as long as possible. Jump off when the momentum weakens or if the path ends.
Agata Brown
Agata Brown Dec 30 '22
The choice of server is indeed extremely important. But don't forget the importance of map selection.
Rendell parito
Rendell parito Feb 21 '23
I suggest you to download and install this YO WhatsApp into your Android phone to use dual WhatsApp at the same time.