if user use certain html code into blog page or forum page sometimes the right sidebarpositionchanging todown or under theblogpost (someuserssometimes justcopy their article site and paste intomy site...)
mysite/blogs butthe displaywill return to normalwhenthere area newblogposts (in normal type)
I am trying tocreateanew pagehttp://www.microblogasia.com/iklan-jual-beli by addinghtmlcode......<div style="text-align:center;">...thenthe displying sidebarchanges
Wrongly formed html tags wil cause this. It breaks the existing code to cause these kind of errors. Make sure that html code is well formatted with matching tags.
Itried usinghtmlformatusedonblogspotandwordpress...(I wrote anarticle inthere andcopy thehtml codeand pasteinto exw/blogs ornew-created page...but the displaying article is not the samearticleas it appearsin the blogspot/wordpress page)
i disable html format...but users still can post in html format (Using copy and paste)