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member invitations not working in 1.5 - Member Invitations | Forum

Evelyne Jan 11 '13
It's been solved with the great help of the OW Factory Team. Thank you guys! :)

In case you're wondering, there is an incompatibility with another plugin. Tip: If you experience the same problem, try to deactivate one by one to till you find the one.
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Jan 13 '13
Okay I have

Activate OW_DEV_MODE (true) in ow_includes/config.php before editing invite_index.html file in views/controllers in 'Member Invitations' plugin folder. With Changing "$title: OW.getLanguageText('memberinvitations', 'cap_label')," to "$title: 'Invite New Members',". Then changing OW_DEV_MODE (true) in ow_includes/config.php  back to false.

But nothing has happened to the invite popup screen it still shows a title of

My client Jacq swapworkshop got the above information from you a day or so. Please tell me if there something else I should do?
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Jan 13 '13
Evelyne your tip is great but the developer should be one to test the plugin for non compatibility to other plugins or the person responsible for testing this plugin at Oxwall before it went into the store for sale. When people buy products the onus is on the store owner and the manufacturer (developer). Fair trading practice rules still apply to software and there are authorities to report malpractice to. It is very apparent the ow factory team have not sorted the problem out. By now there should of been an update to sort this problem out. I for one am very annoyed that there is a need for me to manually edit files on my clients server. My client paid for this product and has every right to scream blue murder. Please sort these problems out Ow factory team lets have some professional service       
Evelyne Jan 13 '13

To be fair, Bob, it's a monumental task to test any given plugin with all other existing ones, especially with open source codes, where new stuff and new + improved versions are coming up all the time. 

Even commercial software, only launched and sold after extensive testing by thousands of beta testers do present some glitches and incompatibilities with other software that is only detected after quite some time. 

No software in the world if fault proof. But willingness to correct those faults is what makes the difference, I think.

Btw, the plugin that wasn't compatible has been spotted and has already been corrected by the makers after they were informed of the issue, and the situation has been corrected. Both plugins are working fine now.

A little patience goes a long way!... :)

Jacq Jan 14 '13
Bob I'm with you.  Plugins should be tested by Oxwall, approved and then placed in the store.  Yes bugs might appear but they should be fixed by the developer.  I have submitted a ticket to the developer asking for support.  Let's hope they find the problem and fix it so others will not face this issue.
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Jan 14 '13
I am very patient and seemingly still waiting for this update of the plug in. But we have to bring attention to the problem especial when offered a fix that simple does not work.
OW Factory
OW Factory Jan 15 '13

good news: The "cap_label" problem has been solved and an update will be published in the next few minutes.

@Bob: Before we release plugins they're checked professionally, so that we can guarantee that they are compatible. Please respect, that from time to time Oxwall-Core is updated so we need some time to update our plugins because we have to figure out which code we have to modify/add. The 'Member Invitations' plugin has also been updated some days after Oxwall 1.5 has been released and was full compatible with Oxwall 1.5.
Nevertheless, our solutions work because we've tested them.
The solution we mentioned must work, because you delete the language variable and replace it with a specific text (here: "Invite New Members"). So, the text have to be displayed.
The only problem we can figure out is that you have not enabled OW_DEV_MODE before doing the changes.

OW Factory Team
The Forum post is edited by OW Factory Jan 15 '13
Jacq Jan 15 '13
Thank you Ow Factory for fixing the bug.  Please can you explain how we get the updated version?
OW Factory
OW Factory Jan 15 '13
Hello Jacq,

there are two possibilities of updating your site:

1. Auto-update: Wait for the auto-update notification in admin area. It will appear within 24 hours and it gives you the possibility to update your site without uploading the files manually.
Just click on the "Update" button, type in your license key and your FTP data and your plugin will be updated.

2. Manual update: Download the latest version of 'Member Invitations' plugin from Oxwall Store and unzip it on your hard drive. Then, open a connection to your FTP-Account and overwrite all the files in ow_plugins/memberinvitations with the files you just downloaded. After successful uploading, visit your admin area and update the database (there will appear a notification to update the database).

OW Factory Team
The Forum post is edited by OW Factory Jan 15 '13
Jacq Jan 15 '13
OK I will wait for the auto-update.
The Forum post is edited by Jacq Jan 15 '13
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