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oxwall lies | Forum

Joseph Dec 30 '12
oxwall says we own our content but in all honestly we cannot even restore a users account if they delete it or if it gets hacked and deleted only if we have 100% backups can this be done which is hard for those of us with larger networks I think oxwall should give us the site owners more power over user content because there are a number of reasons we should have a backup copy of user content in the event it gets deleted
Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC Dec 30 '12
Hello Joseph!:

Oxwall Provides Great Ways to Help the Admin/Users connect to each other.
if someone account got Hacked, you can go to your database and edit the password of the user there example in PHPmyAdmin you can view and edit passwords there except the passwords are encrypted for security issues.

Backup is Important! Back your files Every week, or Even everyday! :)

Hope this Helps you
Joseph Dec 30 '12
ronnel as you can see I mentioned backing up files I was saying it should be easier
Alia Team
Alia Jan 3 '13
Jospeh, thank you for your feedback. Do you have any particular suggestions on how site owners can have more power over the users' content?
Joseph Jan 3 '13
yes for instance when a user deletes their account it should be moved to a que for deletion by an admin several reasons for this are if a member is hacked for instance like one of my members recently had their account deleted by someone but it was not the user themself but someone on their account now that users content is gone and this is content that they signed a waver on to be a member of our staff so technically the person deleted personal property of mine and my site other reasons could be if we were Subpoena'd to court for evidence and someone tried removing that evidence the site owners should be able to control content for legal reasons