if you have this money to chuck at oxwall to remove the link and the link really annoys you that much then why not chuck that money at a developer and have your own script programmed?
This Comment says "Opensource..." But you cannot delete it, because it is generated in the Backend. Why not use this one?
I hate this "Powered by" to, but why not? Just to make a little advertising for oxwall...
And that's is all we ask for using Oxwall. No money, no fees, subscriptions and the other tricks. We believe this is as in truly open source should be.
It is no Problem to hide the oxwall copyright or the Button in the Footer :D. I just tested it. But I am not willing to post it here because Oxwall don't want to delete this Button and the copyright
Thanks, we really believe in people honesty!
Scuse my english i'm french :
So they come to my oxwall website site i found by myself cause i'm a webmaster interested by web so it's my personnal cms search.
Finely What's happen ?
They don't wan't participate cause they know the magic ( the way i do my site ) , it's normal they love web too & they want to there version and take oportunity ( but they don't do there search ) .
The consequence for my Project is :
I haved a serious Project - i searched and i Found a perfect Cms - i did reflexion for the way i 'll present & organise my serious community and
finely no people Partcipe cause they see the way to do the same thing like me and more they see the way i organise my Comunity .
Morality , i 'm only a Shop window a (Showcase) for Owall .
And i sad cause it's was perfect for the project i dream off .
You can understand that ?
With all of My repect and Consideration ,
Labuzzteam, we understand your concerns. However, reference link is the only way we can spread the word about our software.Oxwall Foundation is a non-profit organization, which means our team does not get any money for the effort and in turn for the product we offer, we ask only one thing - not to delete the reference link.