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My website is much faster | Forum

Pete Jan 5 '13
Since i installed 1.5 my website is much faster .
Oxwall CandyStore
Oxwall CandyStore Jan 6 '13
I also did noticed the reduce of database queries by about 40% with the same amount of page views
If people see no difference compared to 1.4 I guess they have lots of poor 3rd party plugins which are not optimized in this case at all :)
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Yes.. Now in 1.5, javascript are loaded at the end of the page unlike the previous versions.
Den Team
Den Jan 7 '13

There were a lot of performance optimizations made with the update. Like reducing db queries (up to 40%), javascript optimization, code tuning for better performance in core and native plugins. It's all about to run Oxwall faster with the default shared hosting accounts. 

According to the site performance optimizations, there are a lot of server's and software's options to run a site faster depending on traffic amount and budget possibilities. But, having software optimized for high load performance is the first deal before implementing any server's optimization effectively.

Purusothaman Ramanujam

Quote from Den having software optimized for high load performance is the first deal before implementing any server's optimization effectively