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Martina Perez
Martina Perez Apr 3 '23
I posted my profile on this site to try to meet someone who is compatible with me in my region, with whom, perhaps, I can start communicating and see where it leads. The problem is that there is a hacker who pretends to be someone he is not, using photos and profiles, who is trying to make friends with you, but something in the dialogue makes you understand that this is not quite right. So far I've been able to portray him for the first week or so, but it's become frustrating. His answers are all fiction. Somehow he lets me know that it's him or my friend. One thing I discovered is that they are not from the United States. In one of the conversations, they talked about a tearful story about difficult times, and I immediately realized that the next one would be a money issue, but I stopped him dead in his tracks before he had time to board this ship. I sent an email howaboutwe.com because I am very disappointed with the paid membership, but still have not received a response. Guys, could you share with me your opinion and experience with online dating? Please give me suggestions on how to proceed. I'm 49, but I'm ready for a relationship now that all the kids have grown up and are living on their own. I'm divorced twice, so I don't have the patience to do nonsense and play games.
Norman Fallan
Norman Fallan Apr 3 '23
In terms of online dating, it can be hit or miss, but there are definitely success stories out there. My advice would be to take your time and be cautious, especially when it comes to sharing personal information or meeting up with someone in person.
Sheryl Sorman
Sheryl Sorman Apr 3 '23
I'm new to the forum and I wanted to tell you that I actually have a friend who went through something similar. She met someone on a dating site who seemed great at first, but as they started talking, she began to suspect that he wasn't who he claimed to be. He kept avoiding video calls and had a lot of excuses for why they couldn't meet in person. Eventually, she found out that he was using photos from a Ukrainian dating site called https://www.uadreams.com/ to pose as someone else entirely. It's a shame that some people use online dating sites to scam others, but it's important to stay vigilant.
Marcus Rull
Marcus Rull Apr 20
Hello. The ideal online dating platform for people over 50 who are looking for communication, friendship and even love could be Silver Singles, which has become popular recently. Anyone who carefully reads the information here https://silver-singles.pissedconsumer.com/customer-service.html will be able to understand that this dating site is specifically designed to meet the needs of mature people who are looking for new romantic relationships later in life.