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Answered- Maintenance Mode | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC Jan 8 '13
Hello Oxwall !

I've setup cloudflare to protect my website.

My problem , when i go to admin panel , maintenance mode and enable MAINTENANCE MODE. i go to my website and its still accessible.
I dont know if cloudflare is related to this.

The Forum post is edited by Alia Jan 10 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Refreshed cache?
Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC Jan 8 '13
On cloudflare? :)
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Not sure about cloudfare. Trying clearing your browser cache and enable DEV mode in config.php file one. It might help you to refresh cache.
Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC Jan 8 '13
Oh okay :)
I'll check :)
Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC Jan 8 '13
I cleared my cache.
and now its working THANKS! :)
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Good to know :) Keep enjoying :)
Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC Jan 8 '13
Thanks Buddy! :D
David A
David A Apr 4 '13
have you noticed a difference in speed using cloud flare?
Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC Apr 4 '13
yes :)
but not much , but it can help you to speed up yoursite anyway also protecting it from DDOS attacks.
David A
David A Apr 4 '13
I saw another post here saying that it conflicted with oxwall operation
Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC Apr 4 '13
How is it conflicting? In my site it's running smoothly.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 4 '13
David, we are not aware of any issues with using CloudFlare with Oxwall.

CloudFlare plugin developed by us is coming soon )).
David A
David A Apr 5 '13
great... What would the cloudflare plugin do?