Lost in Blue" is a survival adventure game series developed by Konami for the Nintendo DS and Wii platforms. The series follows the story of two characters, a boy and a girl, who are stranded on a deserted island and must work together to survive.
The gameplay involves exploring the island, collecting resources such as food and water, building shelter farm-land, and crafting tools and weapons. The player must also manage the characters' health and hunger levels, as well as their relationship with each other, as they work to find a way off the island.
The series features a unique art style and focuses on survival gameplay mechanics, such as hunting, fishing, and cooking. The game also has a day-night cycle and changing weather conditions that affect gameplay.
"Lost in Blue" has been well-received
for its immersive survival gameplay and engaging story. The series has received
multiple sequels, with the latest game in the series, "Lost in Blue:
Shipwrecked," released for the Wii platform in 2008.