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500 Error Please Help Fast | Forum

Tom Jan 9 '13
I went to upgrade to 1.5 and now I am getting this error.  Can someone please help me.

Message: Cant find theme `origin` in DB!

tracy Jan 9 '13
first of all make sure the permissions on your index file are 744, then if that doesnt do it, delete origin from ow_static and ow_themes, it should default to mcabre, then reupload origin through admin.....
Tom Jan 9 '13
I can not access my admin area I have my debug up at http://icehockeyconnection.com if you can take a look and try to help me get this figured out.  Thank you.
tracy Jan 9 '13
if it were me, i would delete your antispammer plugin

The Forum post is edited by tracy Jan 9 '13
tracy Jan 9 '13
if you do, delete if from your ow_static/plugins/
Tom Jan 9 '13
Ok I will give that a try

Tom Jan 9 '13
Deleted and the errors have not changed.
tracy Jan 9 '13
did you try making sure your index.php is set to 744 permissions?
Tom Jan 10 '13
Yep index is set to 744

tracy Jan 10 '13
go to your phpmyadmin and repair the database
tracy Jan 10 '13
and turn off the debug for your site