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IlonaLizer May 11 '23
My child is 14 years old and she often goes for walks, but when I call her she does not pick up the phone, I am very worried about her. Is there any app for me to know where she is?
Nikola Yers
Nikola Yers May 11 '23
Hi, I have two children and I am very familiar with your situation. Once the kids went to the store together, which is a mile away from the house, and disappeared for several hours. My husband and I called them probably 30 times, went to that store and they weren't there, and when I wanted to call the police they came. It turned out they had met some friends and were playing with them. After this incident, my sister advised me site https://bestparentalcontrolapps.com/how-to-track-an-iphone/  after viewing it I realized that I can track their geolocation at any time. This is very convenient because if the kids don't pick up the phone again I will always know where they are.
Della Fims
Della Fims May 11 '23
Привет, моему сыну всего 5 лет и без меня он ходит только в детский сад, но даже в этом возрасте я купила ему специальные часы с чипом. Но когда он пойдет в школу, я воспользуюсь советом Николы, а также смогу посмотреть геопозиционирование на телефоне.