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Fitness/diet discussion | Forum

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John May 12 '23

So I'm looking for a class to take to motivat me to workout more. anyone ever take any classes they like?

I've heard mixed reviews of crossfit.

Olli Stor
Olli Stor May 12 '23
I believe crossfit is the most high intensity of all the workouts - probably not a "want to get into working out" thing
Norman Fallan
Norman Fallan May 12 '23
I'm new to this forum and stumbled upon this thread while looking for info on fitness and diet. Thanks for sharing your story, and congrats on the weight loss so far! I've been trying to drop a couple of pounds myself and have been focusing on eating healthier and getting more exercise. I haven't tried the keto diet, but I've heard mixed reviews about it. I recently discovered Weight Loss Doctors, and I'm thinking of giving them a try. Their website medicalweightlosslehighvalley.com has some interesting info about different weight loss programs and approaches. Have you heard of them?
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