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mailbox and Notification not working | Forum

Nicholai Apr 5 '13
My site http://gilznorf.com will not let me delete read mail in the mailbox.  Any ideas? I sent the msg to myself as a test from the report plugin. I should of sent it to a test account, Maybe sending to myself messed things up?
The Forum post is edited by Nicholai Apr 5 '13
Alia Team
Alia Apr 8 '13
Nicholai, I wasn't able to test mailbox issue on your site, since your site currently doesn't even allow sending PMs.

Can you make sure that Instant Chat plugin is working correctly?

What do you mean by "Report" plugin?
Alia Team
Alia Apr 8 '13

>>Hi Aliia, my site doesn’t send mail to users who haven’t logged in for more than two days.

Did they use to come before?
How can I test and check this issue?
What is your site URL?

Rixit Jun 11 '13
Hi, I have to Install the OXWALL ver. 1.5.1

In that Activity Notification Plugin is not working properly can you plz tell me whats the problem with their?

Alia Team
Alia Jun 11 '13
Rixit, your site URL could have helped a lot ?
Also if it is a closed site, I need username and pass I can log in with to check your activity notifications.
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