Tester, this can be changed in 'ow_blog_post' table in MySQL.
Currently "post" column is of "TEXT" data type, which is limited to 65,535 bytes ~64kb.
Thanks aplenty for the detailed instructions, Aliia.
Tester, as far as I know generally 1byte is one character ( in some languages can be 2 characters).
Developers recommend using MEDIUMTEXT for blogs.
Let me know if you get any further questions.
And at any rate I have already replaced LONG TEXT with TEXT in the databases. Anyway, I will have another try with your instructions in mind, and will get back to you. Thanks. Regards.
To change the validator's limits or to completely remove it go to:ow_core\form_element.php Here is the line you are looking for: $stringValidator = new StringValidator(0, 50000);
I saw your link only after replying to Aliia.
$stringValidator->setErrorMessage(OW::getLanguage()->text( 'base', 'text_is_too_long', array( 'max_symbols_count' => 50000 ) ));
I suppose this won't be executed if 50000 is removed.