Yes, at /public_html/ow_core/form_element.php it is set at:
$stringValidator = new StringValidator(0);
$stringValidator->setErrorMessage(OW::getLanguage()->text( 'base', 'text_is_too_long', array( 'max_symbols_count' => 50000 ) ));
Who types a 50,000 char blog anyway... are you writing a book lol... thats plenty for 99.9 percent of the population of earth lol...
You should make the following changes:
$stringValidator->setErrorMessage(OW::getLanguage()->text( 'base', 'text_is_too_long', array( 'max_symbols_count' => 100000 ) ));
Fantasy Stories :) i wonder how long it takes to read a 800000 char story at the rate of 30 sec at a time hee hee...
I edited the following: /ow_plugins/forum/controllers