So just as a curiosity and since my Google-Fu is failing me, I figured I'd ask here. With the cool option of balcony and railing mount systems for apartment and condo dwellers starting to gain a little traction I was looking for ways to make the systems more useful. I went and measured out a couple places where I could theoretically do something like that here and I've got a lot of space to work with... but...
The only flexible solar panels I can find are in the "100w" range (and lower) which would be a huge waste of space if I were to just hang a few of those. I'm striking out on finding REAL higher wattage panels in flexible, like 200+ watts or so. Every time I seem to find one it's listed as 150w, 200w, 250w, but with a VMP of about 20 and 5 amps... because scammers don't use math.
My thoughts are to use some larger panels hanging off the rail and some of the plug-in microinverters for the US grid and help offset the fact that this whole place is baseboard heat (Yuck!) or pedestal heaters.
Does anyone know where I can get REAL higher wattage flexible lightweight panels?
Also, anyone had good luck with a decent (read not $tupid expensive) grid tie for the US grid?
Thanks all!