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newsfeed in inline frame? | Forum

tracy Jan 18 '13
is the newsfeed platform such that it could be viewed through an inline frame on a custom html page?
tracy Jan 18 '13
or, what is the code that actually echos it onto the page? where would that be located?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Its based on a component and based on echos.
tracy Jan 18 '13
okay, so when you are calling contents, there is way more to it than just calling a single variable to initiate just the newsfeed?
Michael I.
Michael I. Jan 22 '13
Tracy, could you specify what do you want to achieve so that I could provide you with some information?
tracy Jan 24 '13
i have a javascript dropdown menu that can handle videos, html, inline frames and such, i wanted to call the newsfeed in this dropdown menu so that i can add it to the general.html and people would be able to check on the newsfeed from which ever page they are in.