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Website offline when updating to 1.5.1 | Forum

Kristopher Julius
Kristopher Julius Jan 23 '13
I try to update oxwall to 1.5.1 but it brings the site down.

Any work around?

Kristopher Julius
Kristopher Julius Jan 24 '13
Quote from Paul Cuffe If you would like, I am happy to help you, i will need access to your site control panel to help debug and fix the fault, please PM me if you would like help :)

For free? 
Kristopher Julius
Kristopher Julius Jan 24 '13
So there's really no solution that I can do myself? I have cloudflare, is that causing it?
Alia Team
Alia Jan 24 '13
Kristopher,  are you getting any errors ?
Try enabling DEBUG MODE  and checking once more.
Kristopher Julius
Kristopher Julius Jan 25 '13
Updated the software manually. Probably because of server memory that's causing it to time out. Thanks