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Grasscloth instalation | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Vayt Aug 13 '23
Hey folks, I'm considering adding some texture and natural vibes to my home by installing grasscloth wallpaper. Has anyone here worked with grasscloth before? How challenging is the installation process? Any tips or recommendations for a newbie like me?
Cer Daws
Cer Daws Aug 13 '23
Installing grasscloth wallpaper can indeed bring a unique and textured look to your space. Grasscloth installation requires some precision and care due to its natural fibers. If you're in CA and looking for expert grasscloth installation, I recommend reaching out to Magic Wallpaper https://www.magicwallpapering.com/.They offer top-notch wallpapering services in CA and can assist you in selecting the perfect grasscloth design for your space. Their experienced team ensures a precise and professional installation.
The Forum post is edited by Cer Daws Aug 13 '23