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React Native vs. React JS: A Comprehensive Comparison | Forum

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Jamie Pat
Jamie Pat Aug 14 '23

In the ever-evolving world of web and mobile development, React has emerged as a dominant force, offering two major frameworks: React Native and React JS. Both of these technologies are developed and maintained by Facebook, and they share a common foundation in React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. However, React Native vs React JS serve different purposes and target distinct platforms. In this article, we'll delve into a comprehensive comparison of React Native and React JS, exploring their features, use cases, strengths, and limitations.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the specifics, let's establish a solid foundation by understanding the core concepts of React and React Native.

React JS

React JS, often referred to simply as React, is a JavaScript library that focuses on building dynamic user interfaces for web applications. It follows a component-based architecture, where UI elements are broken down into reusable and modular components. These components encapsulate their own logic, styling, and state, making it easier to manage complex UI structures. React operates by updating only the parts of the interface that need to change, thanks to its virtual DOM (Document Object Model) mechanism. This optimizes performance and ensures a smooth user experience.

React Native

React Native, on the other hand, is an extension of React that targets mobile app development. It allows developers to create native mobile applications for iOS and Android using JavaScript and React concepts. Instead of rendering to HTML elements as in web development, React Native components are mapped to native UI elements, resulting in an authentic look and feel. This approach combines the advantages of native performance with the convenience of a single codebase, allowing developers to share a significant portion of their code between different platforms.

A Feature Comparison

To gain a deeper understanding of React Native and React JS, let's compare them across various dimensions.

1. User Interface

React JS: Primarily designed for web development, React JS focuses on building user interfaces for browsers. It relies on HTML and CSS to create web pages and web applications.

React Native: Geared towards mobile app development, React Native enables the creation of native user interfaces using platform-specific UI components. This results in apps that closely resemble those built with native technologies like Swift (for iOS) and Java/Kotlin (for Android).

2. Code Reusability

React JS: React JS promotes code reusability through its component-based architecture. Developers can create reusable UI components and share them across different parts of a web application.

React Native: Code reusability is a major highlight of React Native. Since the majority of the codebase is written in JavaScript, developers can share a substantial portion of code between iOS and Android platforms, reducing development time and effort.

3. Performance

React JS: As a web-focused library, React JS performs well in web browsers. However, it's constrained by the limitations of the browser environment, and complex UI animations or interactions might suffer from performance bottlenecks.

React Native: React Native provides better performance than traditional hybrid frameworks since it compiles to native components. This results in smoother animations and interactions that are on par with native applications.

4. Development Environment

React JS: Development for React JS typically involves setting up a development server and working within a web browser. Debugging tools and browser extensions are commonly used for diagnosing issues.

React Native: Developing with React Native requires setting up the development environment specific to each platform (iOS and Android). Debugging can be done using tools like React Native Debugger and platform-specific debuggers.

5. Third-Party Libraries

React JS: React JS has access to a vast ecosystem of JavaScript libraries and packages available on platforms like npm (Node Package Manager). These libraries cater to web development needs, offering solutions for routing, state management, and more.

React Native: While React Native also benefits from the JavaScript ecosystem, it requires third-party libraries specifically designed for mobile app development. Some libraries are cross-platform, while others might have platform-specific implementations.

6. Native Device Features

React JS: React JS is not inherently equipped to access native device features like GPS, camera, and Bluetooth. It mainly relies on web APIs and browser capabilities.

React Native: One of the key advantages of React Native is its ability to access native device features seamlessly using JavaScript modules. This facilitates the creation of feature-rich mobile apps.

7. Popularity and Community Support

React JS: React JS has gained immense popularity in the web development community. It's backed by a large and active community, resulting in numerous tutorials, articles, and resources available online.

React Native: React Native has also gained significant traction in the mobile app development landscape. While its community might be slightly smaller than React JS, it's still vibrant and supportive, offering resources for learning and troubleshooting.

8. Learning Curve

React JS: The learning curve for React JS can be steep for beginners due to the concepts of JSX (JavaScript XML) syntax, component lifecycle, and state management. However, once mastered, it becomes a powerful tool for building dynamic web interfaces.

React Native: Learning React Native involves understanding not only React concepts but also platform-specific components and APIs. This can add complexity to the learning process, especially for those who are new to mobile development.

Use Cases and Scenarios

Now that we have explored the features of React Native and React JS, let's delve into their ideal use cases and scenarios.

React JS Use Cases

Single-Page Applications (SPAs): React JS excels at building SPAs with dynamic content and interactive elements.

Data Visualization: React's component-based architecture is well-suited for creating data-rich visualizations and dashboards.

Content-Heavy Websites: Websites with complex UIs and content structures benefit from React's ability to manage and update specific parts of the interface efficiently.

React Native Use Cases

Cross-Platform Mobile Apps: React Native shines when developing mobile apps that need to run on both iOS and Android platforms, reducing development time and cost.

Native-Like Performance: Applications requiring native-level performance and responsiveness, such as games and multimedia apps, can benefit from React Native's performance optimizations.

Prototyping and MVPs: React Native allows rapid prototyping and development of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), enabling faster time-to-market.

Making the Choice

Choosing between React Native and React JS depends on your project's requirements, the platforms you're targeting, and your team's expertise. Here are a few considerations to help guide your decision:

Choose React JS if: You're focused on web development and want to build dynamic user interfaces for websites or SPAs. Your project doesn't require access to native device features, and you want to leverage the vast JavaScript ecosystem.

Choose React Native if: You're aiming to develop native mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms. Your project demands efficient performance and the ability to access native device features. You're willing to invest time in learning platform-specific APIs and components.


In the dynamic landscape of web and mobile development, React Native and React JS stand as powerful tools, each catering to specific needs. React JS excels in web development, providing the foundation for building interactive and data-driven user interfaces. On the other hand, React Native extends these capabilities to the realm of mobile apps, allowing developers to create cross-platform native experiences with shared code. Understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and use cases of both technologies empowers developers to make informed decisions that align with their project goals and requirements. Whether you're building a web application or a mobile app, the React ecosystem has you covered with versatile solutions tailored to your needs.

When embarking on a React-based project, it's crucial to have a reliable and skilled service provider that can assist you in achieving your development goals. One such provider is CronJ. CronJ is a renowned software development company that specializes in React Native and ReactJS development services.


1. https://react.dev/

2. Owl carousel slider in React JS

3. React usecontext