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Removing invite-through-Gmail button in Dashboard | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Suresh Sep 29 '14
gmail invite option. It doesn't work for me. 

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

The redirect URI in the request: 

The Forum post is edited by Suresh Sep 29 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 29 '14
please follow carefully the instructions in this tutorial: http://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:contact-importer?s[]=contact&s[]=importer
Suresh Sep 29 '14
I had followed the same instructions several times. No use. i will try to recreate the app again and post the update.  
Suresh Sep 29 '14
now i got this 

Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project.

ross Team
ross Sep 29 '14
Go to API section and make contacts API on. 
Suresh Sep 29 '14
Yep, i had turn on both contacts API and google+ API. now it works. Thanks. 

ross Team
ross Sep 29 '14
David Nov 16 '14

Hi there. I have installed plugin step by step as is in your instruction.

Can you please fix your new plugin GOOGLE CONNECT ( http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/8600 ) for Oxwall 1.7.1 because of plugin installed properly but doesn't allow to Log in to the site.

i.e. any users of my site click on Log in via Google button, agree and accept on accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth but after a click nothing happen, just return to my site.

Please help to fix the problem for Oxwall 1.7.1 even for money...

The Forum post is edited by David Nov 16 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 17 '14
We do not have Google Connect plugin. It is 3rd party plugin. You need to contact plugin developer to resolve your issue.
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