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"Pinterest-Style" Plugin? | Forum

Jon Jan 26 '13

I've seen some really cool things with Oxwall.  I'm new, but excited to use it.  I've been browsing through the plugins and like what I see.

Is anyone working on a plugin to have "pinterest-like" photo gathering capabilities?  I've seen a youtube video posting feature.

Big THANKS to the creative people who are developing this platform and plugins.

Purusothaman Ramanujam
With oxwall, anything could be possible.
tracy Jan 26 '13
except for newsfeed refresh like facebook, not possible....or putting newsfeed in inline frame haha.
Jacq Jan 27 '13
Yes a REALLY want this too for photos
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Quote from tracy except for newsfeed refresh like facebook, not possible....or putting newsfeed in inline frame haha.

Why not possible? All it needs is some time and work.
JB TECH Jan 31 '13
Real-time refresh is all dependent on the developer running their site with Oxwall. If they did make real-time newsfeed, they'd recommend that you had your own, pricey, server instead of shared hosting so that it could handle the amount of data it's takes to do real-time refreshment with data. Especially if your website gets real popular, then you'll need a good row of top notch servers. That's one of the reasons the Oxwall team is hesitant to making the newsfeed real-time.