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How to add more fields to photo plugin? | Forum

lg123 Jan 27 '13
Hi, I'm new to oxwall - I'm trying to figure out how to add more fields to the photo plugin. For example if I wanted to add a dropdown menu or color of a car type when the user uploads a photo how would I do that?  Also how would I get these results to display when they click on the picture?

Would I have to create a specific new plugin or can I modify the code on the existing photo plugin?

Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 1 '13
You can modify the /ow_plugins/photo/controllers/upload.php file to add new fields.
damien frost
damien frost Feb 10 '13
Wouldn't we need to also add new values in the db for this to work properly?

I would like to add 3 more fields like this

what is it
who made it
who took picture

damien frost
damien frost Feb 12 '13
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 13 '13
Depending on where you want to keep that data - in database, sessions or in clouds. I cannot provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to make our script work the way you want.
damien frost
damien frost Feb 13 '13
Was only asking if other info like description was sent to db. the rest i can play with and eventually figure out.

Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 15 '13
Yes, description is always kept in the database alongside with other photo information.