Hey, guys! Here's the situation: I spend a lot of time at my comp and often share links on Twitter. Can someone suggest how I can shorten the URL for Twitter? I'd like to know what are some ways to make the links more compact and usable
Hey, guys! Here's the situation: I spend a lot of time at my comp and often share links on Twitter. Can someone suggest how I can shorten the URL for Twitter? I'd like to know what are some ways to make the links more compact and usable
Sure, buddy! You can shorten URLs using services like bit.ly or tinyurl.com. Just paste your long link there and they'll make it shorter and easier for Twitter. Try it out, it's quick and convenient! But if you don't know about it at all, then learn here how to shorten URL for Twitter http://dollaroverflow.com/blog/how-to-shorten-a-url-for-twitter