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Status on multi-language sites | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Evelyne Jan 30 '13
I have just finished translating my website and I noticed that if I, as a user, change the language, the previous status entries remain in the language they were posted! Moreover, if I change the entry, like by correcting any typos, they are still not updated!

Is it supposed to be like that? So, if a user chooses one language over the other, the other users/languages will not understand what he/she did?

Just for comparison, in Facebook I may have friends who use it in other languages, and I'll always get their updates in the language I chose as my default. Shouldn't it be this way for OxWall too?...

Purusothaman Ramanujam
You are 100% correct. But in Oxwall notifications does not work that way.
Evelyne Jan 30 '13
Quote from Purusothaman Ramanujam You are 100% correct. But in Oxwall notifications does not work that way.

Can that be changed? At least to update corrections?
Unique Jan 30 '13
if oxwall provide multi language sites system, then it should have to be corrected/changed in the next update.

Not only (status) but all plugin dev will also have to make Their Plugins into a multi language plugin system

The Forum post is edited by Unique Jan 30 '13
Evelyne Jan 30 '13
I agree with Unique....

Just to be clear, I'm talking about the system's part of the status entries, like "commented on {$user}'s photo" or "liked {$user}'s photo" not the text typed in by the user....
Evelyne Feb 10 '13
Quote from Evelyne
Quote from Purusothaman Ramanujam You are 100% correct. But in Oxwall notifications does not work that way.

Can that be changed? At least to update corrections?

Does anyone know how to do this (update corrections on past status system language part of the notifications?
kyle gore
kyle gore Nov 10 '14
You can do that by going in through the language option and select the edit values option.. there are hundreds of pages thought... it can be a bit confusing to find specific sections. I did see that one in there though. I think they are in the section entitled "base". You can also use the search option to find most things.

What about the notifications tab and messages tabs though? were you able to translate them? If so what sections were they in? I have been look and can not find them even using the search option.

ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14
Kyle, what notifications and messages tab are you referring to? Please provide screenshot so we could assist you more effectively. 
kyle gore
kyle gore Nov 10 '14
Thanks for getting back so fast it is the tabs/buttons on the console along the top of the screen as well as those on the left side menu on my site.

Also if I wanted the content to change for a few of the text boxes into Thai when they chose that language, on the join page, how would I do that? Would I make a if/ if else script in the join_index.html file? And if that is how, what would the condition be??

ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14

One request per topic, please, no need to duplicate your requests. 

As to the translation issue you have: you need to make sure that there's a translation for these keys

go to here:


choose mailbox or notification section in the drop-down menu and type some keyword from the key which are not translated. 

Most probably those keys do not have translations. 

kyle gore
kyle gore Nov 10 '14
Ok thanks for helping me with the console stuff. What about the side menu? could you point me in the right direction for that? what drop down menu would that be in?
ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14
these are custom pages, the section would be Base. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 10 '14