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Editing language | Forum

Mike Odeh
Mike Odeh Jan 30 '13
Was trying to edit this language setting " Join our fast growing community. Find new friends..."
And got this message, when I tried to save the changes, " You don't have permission to access/admin/languages on this server, 404 not found error"
Any other way to edit this message, to suite what I want?
Alia Team
Alia Jan 30 '13
Mike this error usually means that languages folder on your server don't have correct permissions. Which permissions do you have now for ow_pluginfiles/admin/languages  folder?

Try editing the language once more.Right after the error appears, log in to your server and check the error log. What does it say?

Alia Team
Alia Jan 30 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Mike Odeh
Mike Odeh Jan 31 '13
I'll check the permission. What should the right permission be? And is it possible to change the permission? Thanks Aliia.
Mike Odeh
Mike Odeh Jan 31 '13
The error log says,'Client file does not exist.
Mike Odeh
Mike Odeh Jan 31 '13
The permission is 755. In addition pls what permission code should I set ' advertisement plugin' for me to be able to acess it in the plugin area.
Alia Team
Alia Feb 5 '13
Mike, ow_pluginfiles folder should have 777 permissions set recursively.

>> In addition pls what permission code should I set ' advertisement plugin' for me to be able to acess it in the plugin area.

You just need to have 777 permissions for the following folders set recursively:





No need to set any other permissions for particular plugins.

Mike Odeh
Mike Odeh Feb 5 '13
Thanks Alia. I'll try that n see if there's a difference. But I observed I can edit some language setting n I can't this particular one.