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What are the best practices for optimizing Oxwall plugins and themes to work seamlessly with DAS storage, ensuring optimal performance and data integrity? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Melissa Hankins
Melissa Hankins Sep 15 '23

Hello everyone,


I hope you're all doing well. I've recently been diving into optimizing my Oxwall plugins and themes to work seamlessly with Direct-Attached Storage (DAS), and I thought it would be great to start a discussion here on the best practices and tips for achieving optimal performance and data integrity.

As we know, integrating DAS into your Oxwall setup can be a game-changer in terms of data storage and retrieval speed, but it does come with its own set of challenges. So, let's share our experiences and insights.


Here are a few questions to kick things off:

Choosing the Right DAS Solution: What DAS solution have you found most effective for your Oxwall site? Any specific recommendations?

Data Organization: How do you structure your DAS storage to efficiently store and retrieve Oxwall-related data, including plugins and themes?

Performance Optimization: Are there any specific tweaks or configurations you've implemented to boost performance when using DAS?


Ensuring Data Integrity: DAS is known for its reliability, but what steps do you take to ensure data integrity and backups, especially when dealing with user-generated content?

Scaling Considerations: As your Oxwall site grows, how do you scale your DAS setup to accommodate the increased data load?

I'm eager to learn from your experiences and expertise in this area. Let's collaborate to create a resource that can benefit the entire Oxwall community.

Looking forward to your insights and recommendations!


Best regards,