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Parserror message | Forum

Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 3 '13
In two of our sections, Blogs and The Wall, we get the parserror message. In case of the blogs, it is during the commenting stage that this error message appears. Can somebody please help?

I haven't made any changes to my website in the last two days.

There is another forum topic on this here http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/7468?page=1 but I don't see any resolution.

Would really appreciate any insight you can offer.

Thank you.
The Forum post is edited by Shreya Tili Feb 3 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam
If you have Firebug with Firefox, you can try to debug the reason for the parse error.
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 3 '13
Thank you for this. Have downloaded firebug, will test and feedback.
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 3 '13
I ran firebug once the error message appeared but I don't see the reason for it.

How do I debug?
Alia Team
Alia Feb 4 '13
Shreya, can you verify my account on your site? I would be glad to firebug this issue, but currently I don't have access to your site.

>>In two of our sections, Blogs and The Wall, we get the parserror message. In case of the blogs, it is during the commenting stage that this error message appears. Can somebody please help?

Wall: open firebug (click on console>>all), refresh the page. Try typing something into the wall.

Blog: open firebug (click on console>>all), refresh the page, start commenting.
If there are any errors they will appear under the following section of "Firebug"

Alia Team
Alia Feb 4 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 4 '13
Alia - have verified your account.

Here's a screenshot of the error message in Firebug.

Thank you.

Alia Team
Alia Feb 4 '13
Thank you Shreya for activating my account.

I have a slightly different firebug report ( see bellow).
As you can see before the system tries to post the wall comment it is trying to reach 500phtml page.
Because of this you can't see the real error.

Enable DEBUG MODE using instructions from here http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/4661 .
This way the system will go straight to the error message and by pass the 500phtml.
Let me know the results:

Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 4 '13
I did what you suggested (change value from false to true) and here's the error message. Hope it helps.

Alia Team
Alia Feb 4 '13
Shreya, did you install/update any of the plugins lately?
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 5 '13
Alia, no. No admin work has been carried out for the past couple of weeks. I have only moved one block on the homepage from bottom to top.
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 5 '13
Hi Alia - we are still getting the parserror error message. Any idea what can be done?
Alia Team
Alia Feb 6 '13
Shreya,  enable DEBUG mode again. Run firebug.
Find following line in firebug and open it ( click on "+" next to the line).

Once the line is opened click on the "HTML" tab.

Let me know what is the content under this tab.

Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 6 '13
Alia, here's the HTML error message.

Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 7 '13
Hi Alia - any joy with this?
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 8 '13
We are STILL getting this error message and it is really frustrating for my members. It has been a week and there is no resolution. Can you please please help?????
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Feb 10 '13
Hi - just to let you know that our problem has been resolved.
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Sep 6 '14
hello Shreya Tili,

I know its some time back that you had this problem, but do you remember how you got it solved? I have the same problem here on my site :(

Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Sep 8 '14
Hi Martin: Sorry for the delayed response, I was away.

I don't remember how the problem got resolved but we don't get that message any more.

Sorry am not able to help :-(.