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Put username in forum | Forum

Ryan L
Ryan L Feb 4 '13
I'm looking for a way to put the username in the forum.

topic_index.html has the text I want to edit 

{capture name='info_string'}<a href="{$avatars[$post.userId].url}">{$avatars[$post.userId].title}</a> <span class="ow_tiny ow_ipc_date ow_remark">{$post.createStamp}</span>{/capture}

And I'd like that to be {$avatars[$post.userId].title} - ({$usernames[$post.userId]})

Is there a globally accessible variable or function I can call from smarty to access this?

Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 4 '13
Please check this topic: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/7596 and let me know if you didn't find that information useful and need further assistance.