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Aging and Cellular Rejuvenation | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Michael Oct 7 '23
Hey everyone! I've recently been diving deep into the science of aging, particularly around cellular rejuvenation. It's fascinating how our cells age and how certain compounds can potentially slow down or even reverse aspects of this process. I've stumbled upon some compounds that claim to have anti-aging effects, especially NMN. Has anyone tried it or know if it actually works?
Oggy Archilov
Oggy Archilov Oct 10 '23
Hello! I too have been intrigued by the potential benefits of anti-aging compounds. Specifically, I came across a product known as nmn by genf20. It's based on the concept of promoting cellular health and rejuvenation. From what I gathered, it has shown some promise in various studies. If you're considering trying NMN, this could be a starting point. Always consult a health professional before starting any supplement though!