Thank you for the report.
issue Fatal error: Class 'UHEADER_CLASS_CreditsBridge' not found in /home/wickedna/public_html/ on line 294
Looks just att it is entering a new version, taking those couple 24 hours before such an update is visible in Oxwall CONTROL. So I hope there is a fix with the version! or?
I found the error reason and fixed. The update with this fix is already on the store. So you can wait while it appear in your admin panel. Or you can download the plguin and replace old one in ow_plugins directory.
Or you can PM me FTP access and I will fix the issue on your site.
Could you PM me a test user login. I need it to test the issue on your site.
Meaning in newsfeed there is post saying "Scott joined the group" if admin deletes this once the refresh the page that post is in the new feed again. If I as the site admin delete it... It says gone.
Hi.. i just bought your group cover plugin but when i installed, its not showing up?
any possible reason if i am doing something wrong...? pls find attached
Sorry for the late reply.
As I can see on your screenshot (cover_photo_not_visible.jpg), the group cover component is on top of the page, but it looks incorrectly. You are using a 3d party theme which appears to not fully follows Oxwall theme standards. This is what I can tell by your screenshots.