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Exaspian Studios Reviews - [Latest Reviews: A Set Of Plugins All By Sergey Kambalin] Reviewing 4 of Sergey's most Promising plugins! | Forum

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Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 13 '13

Welcome to Exaspian Studios Reviews!

What is ESR?

ESR Is a topic created for reviewing plugins within Oxwall.
We provide a professional, fast and high quality service free of charge. Then again - why can't we just post reviews on the store?
Constructive criticism is a big part of any developer's career! Let's face it; there's always someone out to get you, right? 

Exactly! Confused? We figured you might be, so here's some more detail: 

You see, our reviews can be used in 3 ways: 

1. To gain views on your plugins. Not getting enough views? Think it's because you have no ratings? No problem! Just place a request with the ESR team and we will place a fair review on your plugin within the next 48 hours! 

2. To get more detail on your plugin. So you got a bad review, huh? Or maybe you were hoping for a bit of a longer review? What's the point of a review that just says "Bad" or "Fix the bugs!!1!1one?" There is no point! The user is angry and does not know how to express that in any way other than complaining about the plugin and expecting changes. That's why here at ESR we quality test all of the plugins you send in on a private, home run server. Why? Well unlike the users of your plugin we are not attempting to use your plugin on our own site. That means that we are never disappointed by a plugin and are always ready to give detailed suggestions on how to make your plugin into the plugin your users are asking for. 

And 3. Both of the above. Only received one or two bad reviews? Maybe you need some help squashing those bugs? Not a problem! With our team standing by awaiting your request you'll know exactly where to go with your plugin from here.

So is there anything else I need to know?

Yes! There's actually quite a bit to go over, so here's the short version: 

1. We are willing to review any requested plugin. No accessions! 

2. All of our team members pertain to the following agreement: NOTE: Agreement part 5 is limited to plugins you have temporarily lent to us for testing. (More on this later)

1. I agree to view over the plugin in full, making sure not to miss any problems or perfect details. 

2. I agree to write a review of the plugin on the forum topic and or the plugin's store page. 

3. I agree to write a fair and detailed review of your plugin a short list of some features I would add/remove along with any bugs I could find. 

4. I agree to not misuse the plugin or utilise ANY of it's source code for my own personal gain. 

5. I agree to delete every plugin file of your plugin when my review is done and never have access to them again, outside of purchasing your plugin.

So what's up with temporary license reviews?

A TempLicense review is a review of a non-free plugin.
As much as we would love to, we can't afford quite a few of the plugins on the store...in fact we can't actually purchase them at all from South Africa. So rather than only doing free plugin reviews, we decided to come up with the aforementioned agreement between our reviewers and the plugin developers.
Basically; you CAN request a review for a paid plugin, but there are a few things we'll need from you. 

1. We will request that you accept the reviewers agreement and believe that it covers all of the necessary ins and outs of lending us your plugin. 

2. We will also need you to mail us a copy of the plugin or activate a licence that you can then de-activate later on.

And that's that! Simple enough, right?

Requesting a review:

Well, telling you about the features is all good and well...but when are we going to get down to the good stuff? Well here we are now!
To request a plugin, simply fill out the following form and either post it in this topic or message it to us.

Plugin Name:

Review Type (General, Short, In-Depth):

Temporary license (Is it required?): 

Any extra info (You are not required to fill this in): 

And there you have it!

Request A Plugin

Requesting a plugin is as easy as 1...2...3! First, click here then select a plugin from the list, now click vote and you're done! If you want a different plugin review just post it's name + author in the topic and we will talk to that author!

Our reviews so far:

Profile Cover + Group Cover By Surgey Kambalin

Extended Questions By Sergey Kambalin

User Carousel By Sergey Kambalin


Google Maps Location By JK


Hot Or Not By Zaph


Snowfall Effect By Purusothaman. 


Attachments by Sergey Kamballin. 


Thanks for stopping by, everyone! We appreciate all the support and we hope we can support our fellow devs here at Oxwall!
- Exaspian Studios Reviews

The Forum post is edited by Exaspian Studios Feb 25 '13
Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 13 '13
I'm not doing out of site reviews. All the reviews will be happening on this site within this forum or within the designated plugin review area.
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Feb 13 '13

Quote from Exaspian Studios I'm not doing out of site reviews. All the reviews will be happening on this site within this forum or within the designated plugin review area.
that is good news! I look forward to reading them!

Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 14 '13
Quote from TattooBoy

Thanks, am actually reviewing a plugin as we speak.
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Feb 15 '13
Good that saves me doing it, I will refer to your reviews. Great stuff its really what is needed here and i hope you add within your reviews the help support on the plugin.

I can not wait to see the reviews.  
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Feb 15 '13
Could you please supply the link to the site your posting your reviews on. I am also testing plugins but will be developing a few plugins myself at a later date so I need to keep independent in judging others. Very glad you are doing this.     
Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 15 '13
Hey there Bob,

Thanks for such a warm welcome to the reviewing community! It's great to see such a tight-knit community such as this. Right now I will be posting my reviews in this topic or in the plugins review area, but seeing as I have a website up and running I may as well set up a small review area on there, too.

@Everyone I am currently searching for a plugin to review and am open to suggestions! If you want your plugin (or even someone else's plugin) reviewed, don't be afraid to ask! :) - The Exaspian Studios Team.

Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 15 '13

This review got our topic to 300+ views!

Plugin Name: Hot or Not.

Publisher: Zaph

Review Type: In depth.

Usability: 6/10 - Most images under 400x400 are stretched quite badly, once you've rated all of the users it still lets you re-vote on users you've already voted (which actually has no effect on your previous vote) and if the user votes too quickly or while the image is fading in the plugin seems to get confused and displays the same images sometimes. However the functionality of the plugin is all there! It does what it promises to do and that's normally a good feature to a plugin. Overall I had to give this a low rating because of the issues stated above.

Graphics: 8/10 - As stated earlier on the image stretching has had an effect on this rating.The icons you've selected for the buttons are perfect, however. Other than that the plugin doesn't actually contain any custom graphics, but I believe that the preset graphics you selected fitted the plugin perfectly.

Spelling and grammar: 3/10 - I Was quite disappointed by this, actually. Now I understand that there are quite a few users of Oxwall who's first language is not English and I respect that, but for the sake of the review I have to review the spelling and grammar. When I downloaded the plugin I expected great things from it. I've always loved Hot or Not websites and I thought it might be a good idea to have one on my own website. However when the plugin installed I was greeted with a few mistakes in the wording and 1 or 2 grammatical errors. Not really too much more to say about this. I do not hold the plugin creator specifically responsible for this and it was quite easy to fix by editing the Language files. The rating was low because I had to review the Spelling and grammar written by someone who's first language isn't English.

Code Review: 9.5/10 - As usual the code is not commented, which I would like to see with a few more plugins, but that is such a minor issue that it isn't affecting your score much at all. The code was detailed and highly well written for such a simple sounding plugin. I won't lie, when I downloaded this plugin I expected it to be incredibly simple, but instead I was greeted with many beautiful and elegantly laid out lines of code. Huge props to the coder for his amazing understanding of the Oxwall plugin system and his ability to lay out his code neatly.

Final Rating: 8/10 - The plugin delivers a warm, welcoming atmosphere to the user and a understandable Configuration Page. The only thing that removed points from the final rating was the spelling and grammar, but that is understandable. I would say that the plugin has room for improvement. Right now it is a good plugin, but with a good translator and a tiny bit of commenting on the code; it would be a great plugin.

The Forum post is edited by Exaspian Studios Feb 15 '13
Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 15 '13
Oh goodness, sorry about that! Allow me to update my review quickly.

There you go! Now a 4/5. :)

The Forum post is edited by Exaspian Studios Feb 15 '13
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Feb 15 '13
Id like to see a review and bug test on the credits lotto. I think its very important that there in no bugs in this code and i have had some trouble so far with it!

Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 15 '13
Quote from OW Visuals
Quote from Exaspian Studios Oh goodness, sorry about that! Allow me to update my review quickly.

There you go! Now a 4/5. :)

Ok, now another interesting thing, how did you get 8/10 . lets try to count together :)

-  Usability: 6/10

-  Graphics: 8/10

-  Spelling and grammar: 3/10

-  Code Review: 9.5/10

It mean 6+8+3+9.5=26.5 / 4 = 6.625

I got only 6.6 :) it is elementary of mathemathics :)

Oh no, the overall rating is only based off of those values. I have thrown in a few extra points for creativity and what not. :P
Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 15 '13
Quote from TattooBoy Id like to see a review and bug test on the credits lotto. I think its very important that there in no bugs in this code and i have had some trouble so far with it!

I would love to do a review on the Credits Lotto but I'm afraid I do not own a copy of the plugin. I will speak to the owner of the plugin and see if he's willing to share some info, however.

:P In the meanwhile I might actually do a review for the Credits plugin as it is now.

Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 15 '13
Unsure what happened but I went away for an hour or so and got back to 630+ Views! :) Thanks for all the support, guys!
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Feb 15 '13
Thats whats up! So you don't purchased the plugins you review?
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Feb 15 '13
One does not have to if you are testing the plugins for clients as I do. I thought that Exaspian Studios was buying or had clients like I do. Shame if that's not so as the reviews look honest and fair to me. I rather like to see more of such and there is always the free plugins to review.  


Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Feb 15 '13
I do have a client that is waiting for the Credit Lotto to be sorted out any news on that yet, my opinion so far is its a good plugin. Dying to see the update.  
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Feb 15 '13
Im waiting for the next cycle to complete to find out.

Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 15 '13
Guys, as much as I would love to have clients send me there plugins, I think it seems a bit untrustworthy right now. I do have quite a few purchased plugins to review, but like I said I will talk to the owner and see if we can sort something out. :)
Exaspian Studios
Exaspian Studios Feb 15 '13
I have spoken to 1 or 2 Clients to see if they're willing to engage in a detailed plugin review provided I remove every one of their plugin files from my hard-drive/web server. I will keep you updated.
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Feb 15 '13
Hope it turns out double six's  tatooboy
The Forum post is edited by Bob (Coder Whacker) Feb 15 '13
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