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Manual backup - Oxwall Backup Genie | Forum

Miguel Feb 13 '13

Just installed the plugin but nothing is happening. Do I have to wait 24 hours? How can execute it to backup whenever I want? The option "Backup should run" is freeze and I can't set to different values.

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Yes sir. The plugin cron runs every 24 hours. You can not even that filed as its just for information.
Gabriel Feb 15 '13
I purchased this lastnight..and it seems the only thing it saves are SQL. And it did it over 30 times... what is going on?
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Please try to increase the memory limit in the plugin settings. I could understand that, your host has limited memory limit allowed by default. so it's not able to create zip file for your files.
The Forum post is edited by Purusothaman Ramanujam Feb 15 '13
Gabriel Feb 15 '13
Why was I not informed about this? So basically I purchased this for nothing?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Actually there is nothing to be informed about this. Its your host that has limitation to increase the limit.

The plugin actually provides the option to increase the limit. Please PM me so that I can help on identifying if there are any other issues, so that I can solve it.
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