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5 tips for writing articles that get noticed | Forum

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charles Nov 6 '23

If you’re ready to create an e-newsletter, or you just want to spruce up your writing skills, United Methodist Communications has put together five quick tips to help you craft articles that get noticed. Let’s get started.

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1. Give them what they want.
The first rule of writing is to know what your readers want to read. Write about topics that interest them. If you are writing a church e-newsletter, great topic ideas would include stories about new ministries, staff updates, news about your members making a difference in the community. Put yourself in your reader’s position. What would you want to know or learn?

2. Paint a picture with words.
Captivate your readers with visual language. Get to the point in a descriptive way. For example, instead of simply writing something like, “The weather was great for the event.” You could write, “Sunny skies and a warm breeze provided the perfect backdrop.” What would make your readers feel like they are in the middle of the story? Think about that as you write.

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3. Know the value of headlines.
The headline is almost as important as the actual meat of the article. Articles with boring headlines often get overlooked. Make sure they’re short, snappy and enticing. Tease your readers with the headline so that they want to read the entire article.

4. Watch your tone.
Pay special attention to the tone of your language. Do you want to convey a casual tone of voice or a formal one? Know what your audience prefers and be consistent. Use language that all of your readers can understand.

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5. Proofread.
Some of the best writers make spelling or grammatical errors. Ask a friend to check for inaccuracies, typos or confusing language. If you’re on your own, set the article aside for a bit. Sometimes when you let a little time pass and you take a second look, you’ll notice things you didn’t see before.

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Knowledge base articles are helpful for customers in all stages of their lifecycle, but they are incredibly impactful during the “help me help myself” phase of exploring your product.

Anastasiya Mayorkina
Every job has its own set of challenges. Additionally, a resume is crucial to get a decent job. I soon acquired a respectable job after using professional resume writing services to write my resume for a software engineer position. Almost no one had called me before then. And I spent two months without a job.
Gary Hanson
Gary Hanson Jun 4 '24
I totallyget where you're coming from with the challenges of managing multiple projects and ensuring everything is up to standard. It's definitelyoverwhelming at times, especially when you're juggling deadlines and trying to maintain quality. I've been in a similar situation, feeling like there's just not enough time in the day to get everything done. One thing that reallyhelped me was finding a way to delegate some of the workload without compromising on quality. I was working on a critical project, and the pressure was intense. That's when I decided to seek some outside assistance. I used 99papers.comfor some of my writing tasks, and it made a huge difference. The service provided well-researched, high-quality work that met my standards, which allowed me to focus more on the core aspects of my projects. It was such a relief to know that I could rely on their expertise to handle part of the workload, giving me the breathing room I needed to manage everything else more effectively. If you're feeling overwhelmed, it might be worth exploring similar solutions to help lighten the load.
The Forum post is edited by Gary Hanson Jun 9 '24