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Adding a script along Oxwall | Forum

Bambie Murphy
Bambie Murphy Feb 17 '13
I have Oxwall in the public_html folder i.e www.domain.com, but in a sub folder I want to install a eCommerce script i.e www.domain.com/shop/

But no matter what I add into .htaccess I get page not found. Any idears how to fix this. I have found two posts on the forums but the line given don't work. 

Bazzabingbong Feb 18 '13
i had this problem before as well, i found that if you add your own .Htaccess file to your subdomain script and add the words RewriteEngine on, this solves the page does not exist error, hope this helps.
Bambie Murphy
Bambie Murphy Feb 18 '13
Done that already Bazzabingbong, still get the error.
cit27 Feb 18 '13
have you tried adding this code in .htaccess file:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/foldername\
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/foldername\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/foldername\.html

Bambie Murphy
Bambie Murphy Feb 21 '13
Tried them none worked caused a 500 error.