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To expect Property Management company to act with a little more urgency | Forum

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Brian Bennett
Brian Bennett Nov 20 '23
Selling my apartment was a long, ridiculously expensive and stressful process. I accepted the offer in November, and in January my mortgage switched to a variable rate. I thought it would only take a couple of months, cheaper than paying a fine. How wrong I was!

In any case, due to the lack of a lease plan and other difficulties, an act of amendments was drawn up. I signed it, the landowner's management company signed it, but it has been in the real estate management company since September 6. Almost six weeks! One guy delayed my sale for 6 weeks! The lawyer called and sent an email. I called and emailed. He sent a strange email in response, but now nothing.

Should I ask his supervisor to step in or register an official complaint, or will things go wrong for me? Will this lead to me being? I need to somehow escalate the situation in order to get the matter off the ground. I don't have 1,000 pounds. a month that I don't have for an empty apartment. These expenses also have no effect on the amount of my mortgage! So, am I being unreasonable, considering that 6 weeks is an unreasonable time to sign?
I'm completely desperate. Thank you in advance for any wisdom.
Pari Palmer
Pari Palmer Nov 20 '23
My advice is to arrange an in person meeting (even if you are super far away) hopefully the treat of it will be enough.
Alex Baroness
Alex Baroness Nov 20 '23
It's completely reasonable to expect a bit more urgency, especially when it impacts your finances. Escalating the matter by requesting the supervisor's intervention or lodging a formal complaint may be necessary at this point. It's not about creating ill will but about ensuring that your concerns are addressed promptly. For more guidance check out this property management service. They may have valuable insights to help you navigate this situation. I hope you get the resolution you need soon and that your flat sale proceeds without further delays.