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Watch your footing. It’s could be a long drop. | Forum

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Martina Perez
Martina Perez Nov 30 '23
So, this morning, an electrical problem was discovered in my house. Trying to figure out the problem, I walked back and forth between the attic and the room. I stepped on a board that I thought was nailed down, and you can guess the end result. The board slipped and I fell through the ceiling. I hit my foot on something on the way down to the point where I can't put all my weight on it. I sang soprano for a few minutes because apparently I inadvertently sat on the splits when one foot was trying to climb up the rafter as I was coming down, smashing my boys against another rafter. After hanging there for a few minutes, I was able to gather my strength, climb back into the attic, onto a flat, hard surface and crawl to the stairs leading from the attic. Needless to say, I still need to fix the electrical problem, and now I have to replace the ceiling in the room. It's going to be a long, expensive weekend. I hope you all had a better day than I did.
Alex Nov 30 '23
Damn man that's terrible. I hope you heal up soon. Always remember wiring is not a hobby, hire a licensed electrician.
Rylee Davenport
Rylee Davenport Nov 30 '23
Hey! Your understanding seems on point. With devices wired in parallel, removing one should halve the total current draw. So, theoretically, the single device on high would draw around 3 amps and 1 amp on the low setting.Electrical currents can be tricky, but that's the general rule for parallel circuits. If you need more detailed advice or assistance with electrical setups, I've heard good things about the expertise at Kanata Utilities in Ottawa: https://kanatautilitiesltd.ca/high-voltage-contractor-ottawa/. They might offer insights or guidance for your specific situation. Good luck sorting out those device settings!