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Brother Andrew
Brother Andrew Apr 5 '11
My Social Network Part Of My Site At Times Becomes VERY SLOW. Then The Server Tech Are Able To Correct It. However, 12 Hours Ago, My Network Appears To Have SOMEHOW MESSED UP BADLY. The Server Tech People Are Responding VERY SLOWLY, and Private Messages From HAVEN'T Been Answered Yet. I Need An EXPERT To HELP ME ASAP! :--)

( TheFamilyOfYAH.com/ValuedMembers)
Michael Leader
Michael Apr 9 '11
Sounds like your site may be using up too much resource on the hosting server. This may be a shared server. This can cause the server to delay in running cron jobs.
This is just a generic thought.
Also, if you are going to run a resource hungry site then it maybe time to consider to move the site to a more suitable server/host. If the traffic and resource of your site is "peaking" and causing a bottleneck in the server you may need to think about moving to a "dedicated server". This will be more costly.

I had a look at your site and it seems you don't have that much that would cause a hefty load. I would point the finger at the techs and the host server. Be careful as some hosts frown from running "social" scripts on their systems as it will be more intensive and may impact other customers!

Also I noticed your site has a few issues. The members pane is showing a single column. Browse oxwall bug forums for a fix. this has been reported a couple of times. Happened to me and I got it sorted in 2 mins.
Your photo section seems broken! Looks like .htaccess is missing and the photo plugin is broke.

Get your site updated. get all the bits working as they should then you can rule out the site from causing the other issues.
Brother Andrew
Brother Andrew Apr 13 '11
Hello Michael! The Server Tech Told Me That I'm OK With My Social Network, and That Bandwidth ISN'T An Issue. However, I Have Been Considering A Different Server. I'm Going To PM U With Other Info. :--)