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Instant Chat | Forum

Bradford Page
Bradford Page Feb 20 '13
I just installed Oxwall today and the instant chat plugin is not working. I followed all the advice I could find including trying different themes, no help, deleting other plugins no help etc

The instant chat box slides out from the side of the webpage and I can see the ajax timer spin around and timeout but users are always zero

Never shows a user one

I removed and downloaded new instant chat plugin, installed, has the same problem

This occuring with google chrome and safari browers

Does the same thing on both

The chat is # 1 reason for trying this, without the chat working to me I will have to delete it

I was just ready to purchase some add-on plugins when I found the chat not working so I am thankful nothing lost to this point

I find it odd there would be no mention in the DL of this that it wouldn't be working