Setting oxwall up in a sub folder,or subdomain,You must edit your htaccess file in your oxwall to allow it to run in a sub folder,or your main index won`t show ,You need to add to your htaccess file
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/your name of your sub folder here or subdomain folder/
If you do get error messages allways check your config file in oxwall and make sure your database setting or correct,etc.
If you want to set oxwall up in your main public_html then it is best to unzip the oxwall download and upload all files and folders useing your ftp software.
When setting your cron up ,please make sure you leave the space after php5 /and you must add the full path
/usr/bin/php5 /home/sites/yourdomain/public_html/ow_cron/run.php
if your not running php5 then try this.
/usr/bin/php /home/yourdomain/public_html/ow_cron/run.php dont forget to leave a space after the php or it will not work.
,set your cron up for every 5 mins or you will have problems,oxwall says every min to run cron ,but i found if you do this for some reason it stops working if you get lots of members joining your website.
Make sure that you make backups of your database at least once every day ,if you dont you or asking for trouble .
Thought i would just also add this as so many peps keep asking about SMTP host settings .
enable SMTP host : port:26
2-your -email account like
password of your e-mail not of cpanel
Please also read here for more help and advice
And here
Oxwall docs you can read here
How to turn on your debug mode to find out what is causing your error messages,you need to open folder ow_includes
And click on config.php
Scroll to bottom tex and change to true and save file ,then go to your website and you should get a list of all the problems causing your error`s
Make sure you re edit your config file after and change back to false and save.
Please note if your members or not getting any sign up emails,or no emails from admin,or your members or staying online without being logged out ,then your cron is set up wrong.THIS IS A CRON PROBLEM.