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Neesfeed activity by mail | Forum

Daniele Feb 21 '13

I think it's very important to have an admin function to send newsfeed activity (once per week) to all user by a "Mass Mailing".

This function is to keep the user in the loop of what’s going on with the site, and increase the return rate.
This function is very important when a community starts and there are few users.
Anyone knows/develops a function to do this?


Thanks in advance.


Tester Feb 26 '13
Go to Admin Dashboard. Click Users.

As for newsfeed, users can have their preferences.

SL Feb 26 '13
or Go to URL yoursite.com/admin/mass-mailing
Daniele Feb 26 '13
Probably my request isn't clear...I know very well the mass-mailing function...I would an automatic Mass-Mailing with last neewsfeed activities...