Ok never mind on the plugin tester :) I was only thinking a developer might need one last, fresh place to see the plugin, in the wild, so to speak. But you shine a useful light on this. It makes me realize I should stop even using the word "plugin." Those are the big dogs and I'm staying away from all that.
I'm more of a "this would look better if it were larger and moved over there..." kind of guy.
And I don't think people should have to design plugins just to put a link on a page. And I don't think they should have to design entire templates, just to change the height and color of "ow_menu_wrap."
I believe - if given a chance - if shown a mini tutorial like "how I changed my menu wrap" then the new people won't be so overwhelmed and the ones who might grow to become actual template designers, will come up through this process.
Jacq - you are exactly correct - and that is why I am thinking the way I am.
The search feature at this forum is terrible. The actual "help" is all over the place. It takes hours and sometimes days to find an answer. You may not find an answer at all. And if you ask a question, you'll get more people willing to point out that very "search process" - than people who are willing to help.
Again I say - you are exactly correct.
I don't see these things as "bad" or "flaws." I see them as growing pains.
I understand people have limited time to help. And, as a new person myself, I understand how hard it is to start manipulating oxwall to personal needs.
Jacq your feedback is excellent. I need to present my idea differently.
Perhaps I am - while still in the "thinking about it" process - better off presenting my idea this way:
I will have my own oxwall test site - but this will not matter to anyone but myself.
My oxwall test site will have a dedicated, public view, forum, for mini tutorials.
I can then respond to new people here at oxwall with "if you check my forum you will see a tutorial on how I changed my sign in page."
As other members here become acquainted with me and this would-be forum, they will grow to trust and rely on it.
And newer members will begin to respond to even newer members with "I remember when I was where you are and I found a very helpful tutorial over at so and so's [would-be] forum.