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Currently in development,still no mobile | Forum

Pete Feb 22 '13
Currently in development
  • Social share integration
  • Invite friends by email
  • Allow to control permissions for index/dashboard widgets
  • Improve installation process
  • Execute cron jobs on page refresh (light mode)
  • Improve account types' management
  • Origin bugfixes
  • Add an option to send notifications immediately
  • ...tons of bug fixes and small improvements


We or not getting our mobile website mod in next update .

I am begining to think that Oxwall or strugling to build this mod for there mobile ver ,

SL Feb 22 '13
or they want the mobile is taken by the plugin dev to be a paid plugin? However I did not expect this...

I will be patient to wait...Coming soon

  • Distributions mechanism
  • Cross-platform client app API
  • Mobile site and apps
  • Game Center

Daniele Mar 8 '13
Do you have any news about Oxwall for mobile devices? For me this is the first point to develop...a social network without a version for mobile devices is no social...
Den Team
Den Mar 13 '13
Building the fully functional mobile application and WEB version for Oxwall isn't a trivial task. The team need more time to perform it as it was planned before. The development hasn't been frozen. We are going to show the first mobile version this year at least.  
Joseph Mar 15 '13
yeah but how much time come on we have been waiting almost 2 years since oxwall first said yes we plan for mobile and with delays and I understand these delays but while being understanding how is it a user made a mobile version granted its not perfect but if one man can create such a plugin why cant a whole team at oxwall do better and get us something out now?
Pete Mar 16 '13

I am moving over to this Joe if they dont get mobile out soon ,when it comes out





Dont get me wrong i like oxwall ,but with having no mobile i am loseing members



The Forum post is edited by Pete Mar 16 '13
bobbi Mar 17 '13
sooner the better for a mobile version, on my phone i can do nothing as the page never fully loads refreshing is the most i can do logging is rare and if i can nothing hardly works

so yeh mobile version is a must
Pete Mar 17 '13

Quote from bobbi
sooner the better for a mobile version, on my phone i can do nothing as the page never fully loads refreshing is the most i can do logging is rare and if i can nothing hardly works

so yeh mobile version is a must

People can not run a website without mobile site also ,most people use a mobile phone ,etc,etc, having no mobile site is bad for any website.
Daniele Mar 18 '13

I totally agree, a mobile version is the only plugin/development strictly necessary!!



suresh kumar
suresh kumar Mar 18 '13
Heya check my mobile site..

some functions are still in dev

useremail 123@suresh.com
pass test123
Pete Mar 18 '13

Quote from suresh kumar
Heya check my mobile site..

some functions are still in dev


useremail 123@suresh.com

pass test123

If you can build this so fast then why cant Oxwall team
suresh kumar
suresh kumar Mar 18 '13
it was a matter of 2-3 months it will be complete in a week or two .
will be available in store as well
Aditya Mar 19 '13
Laughing at the PHP "izabi" thing someone linked to above. Here's the message on their "demo" page:

Demo Coming Soon

We are still heavily at work. The demo should be active on 1/15/2012.

Today is 19TH MARCH 2013!!!

Aditya Mar 19 '13
Neither am I interested in yet another project that refuses to truly open source it's development efforts and instead has this concept of a CLOSED "core team" and closed roadmap to force people to consider donations.
Pete Mar 19 '13

Quote from Aditya
Laughing at the PHP "izabi" thing someone linked to above. Here's the message on their "demo" page:

Demo Coming Soon

We are still heavily at work. The demo should be active on 1/15/2012.

Today is 19TH MARCH 2013!!!




The Forum post is edited by Pete Mar 19 '13
Pete Mar 19 '13
Aditya  i did see the demo notice and what it said,smart arse
The Forum post is edited by Pete Mar 19 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Quote from Pete If you can build this so fast then why cant Oxwall team

Oxwall team has the bandwidth and capacity to build. Agreed.

Quote from Paul Cuffe If someone wants to provide a "theme / template" for a mobile friendly website, I am more than happy to code a mobile plugin for people to use on oxwall

For me, a mobile app should be like a own application and just based on a theme or template.. Just my personal idea on how a mobile app should be.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I understand that as I am 0% in design and template.. we are in same boat. :)
Pete Mar 19 '13

Here or some free mobile temps




suresh kumar
suresh kumar Mar 20 '13
What about my template..?
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