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Session expiry for logins | Forum

Michael Leader
Michael Aug 21 '10
I log in, I tick the little box to remember me.
I still need to enter usernames and passwords at a later date.

However when I use this oxwall.org site it seems to remember me each time.

Any way I can set the session timeout limit?
Is it a host setting?

Another little gripe people are going on about.

FYI, all the little niggles we have, the general opinion is that the site is great and they love it.
One of the best for free!
(Now I have sucked up, sort my prob pls :op )
Den Team
Den Aug 22 '10
Hello Michael!
This should work well. When you check this setting, the script configures special settings in your cookies. And next time you visit the site, the script reads these settings and logs you in.
Would you send me a PM with your domain? I will try to see into this.
Thanks :)
The Forum post is edited by Den Aug 22 '10
Jose Feb 7 '13

How did this get resolved?   I have the same problem with my users and they keep logging in...



Alia Team
Alia Feb 13 '13
Jose,  have you tested this yourself?
Can I have your site URL and username and pass I can use to log in and check this issue?