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Facebook connect | Forum

Mikkel Mar 6 '13

I have a problem with fbconnect, the button looks funny and dosent work.

I have put in app id and all that but still dosent work.

What to do??


Thanks :)


  fbcon.jpg (15.39Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Mar 6 '13
Mikkel, can I have your site URL?
Mikkel Mar 6 '13

Yes its www.undervands-jagt.dk

Thnaks :)

Alia Team
Alia Mar 6 '13
Mikkel, debug tool shows that following issue is present on your site:

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.

This means that your FB app is not configured properly.

Mikkel Mar 6 '13
Is it that app id and secret?
Mikkel Mar 6 '13
Now i understand, i just dont get why http://www.undervands-jagt.dk is wrong?? Should it be without http://??
Pete Mar 6 '13

Quote from Mikkel
Is it that app id and secret?

When you set you api up in facebook ,you put the wrong link in the setup ,delet it and do a new one ,make sure your dont miss any letters out of your domain link .
Mikkel Mar 6 '13
Ill do that, can you tell me what appnamespace is, its kinda tricky to set up i think
Pete Mar 6 '13
I only use facebook sorry
Mikkel Mar 6 '13
YEah ok but wow it works now :) But the fb button still looks funny but atleast you can login now.
Pete Mar 6 '13
It looks funny in some browsers facebook button ,i have same problem.Your facebook works ok now i just logged into your website useing it
The Forum post is edited by Pete Mar 6 '13
Mikkel Mar 6 '13
Nice thanks alot for your help and patience both :)
Colin MacKinnon
Colin MacKinnon Mar 6 '13
After activating the facebook connect, the join function does not work and we haven't added a user since feb 16th.  There are various theories, but so far nothing works.  Also, this was just after the 1.5 upgrade as well.

Any ideas.  The site is mycolemaneducation.com
Mikkel Mar 7 '13
Its working fine here Colin
Alia Team
Alia Mar 11 '13
Mikkel, FB button works fine in Firefox 15 ( I use this browser).

Colin MacKinnon ,

Enable Debug Mode and click on "Join" button. Do you see any errors?

Colin MacKinnon
Colin MacKinnon Mar 11 '13
No errors show on the resulting page which is white and blank.
Any other ideas?

The Facebook Join works fine.  The problem is the Join Now (which appears as mycolemaneducation.com/join when clicked)
The Forum post is edited by Colin MacKinnon Mar 11 '13
Alia Team
Alia Mar 11 '13
Colin, Firebug shows that something is wrong on  this page. See bellow.
But it is not clear what the error is.

1. Can you check error log on your server?
2. If facebook connect is disabled everything works ok?
3. Have you installed anything lately? ( plugins).
4. Do you use third party html/javascript code within widgets on your site?
5.  Where do you use this http://bestiejs.github.com/json3 ; ?

Colin MacKinnon
Colin MacKinnon Mar 12 '13
Here's the error today:
[Tue Mar 12 09:29:03 2013] [error] [client] exec used but not allowed in /home/mycolema/public_html/404.shtml, referer: http://mycolemaneducation.com/...ase.css?511eef659dbb

Do you use third party html/javascript code within widgets on your site?  
5.  Where do you use this http://bestiejs.github.com/json3  ?
Don't know.  I didn't add it.  Checked blogs and its not there either.  Mystery.
The Forum post is edited by Colin MacKinnon Mar 12 '13
Alia Team
Alia Mar 13 '13
Colin, I have tested today and join page is working well now.
Did you do something? If yes, would be great if you share the solution.
Colin MacKinnon
Colin MacKinnon Mar 13 '13
Did you use facebook connect or the normal join tab?  Facebook connect has been working but I had trrouble with Join.  I will check again today.  I did go into the config.php file in .htaccess and rem out a fix that I had used when the problem started.  Don't yet know if that fixed it. 

Thanks so much for your help.  I and my other developer are now regular attenders on this site.  His name is Ryan.

"Sign-in" and "Join" still just gives a white screen after filling in username,password, etc. and clicking continue. 
The Forum post is edited by Colin MacKinnon Mar 13 '13
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