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Excel like calculating page in my OXWALL site [Open Discussion] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Johan Mar 6 '13
Is there a way as yet which would enable one to have an EXCEL kind of page that can add up achievements of users.? Anybody know how we can do that ?
The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 4 '13
Alia Team
Alia Mar 6 '13
Johan, Oxwall doesn't have already build in feature/plugin that could have worked as EXCEL.

However, I know that there are some good open source applications that can be used within Oxwall and act like "excel". Search for " Web-Based JavaScript Spreadsheet Software" in google.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Wow.. it looks like a interesting plugin to me made.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Its possible to use Google spreadsheet with oxwall with custom code changes.
Johan Mar 8 '13
The Idea with the Excel kind of calculating pages is :
We have a Multi Level Marketing Team and a Production Incentice Challenge. Each team member gets signed up to this site and HQ (on daily basis) would want to go INTO each member's profile and insert their daily progress and it must then auto update the totals each day. Each member and only their TEAM LEADERS and HQ (admin too ofcoarse) must be able see these excel lists. Then on a weekly or monthly basis an announcement will be made on the MAIN page (for everybody to see) who the top ten achievers are and there must be an AUTO system that shows who is 1st 2nd etc. Almost like the TOP MEMBERS plugin but it must happen automatically.
So... Maybe somebody van try to create such a plugin ??

Johan Mar 8 '13
I meant to say "Maybe somebody can try to create such a plugin"
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Its doable one.
Johan Mar 9 '13
Well... it would be absolutely GREAT if you can do it !!! :)
Tester Mar 9 '13
Johan: Though I have no use on our site for the kind of plug-in that you are after, I really admire the idea. Wish you all the best.
Jordan Boyls
Jordan Boyls Apr 4 '13
Don't know if this would be done in the same way Johan is asking about, but I was looking for a way to create a member ladder.  I am working on a tennis site where I would like my members to be able to play each other and post results.  When they post the results, they would feed in to a ranking system (or ladder) that would rank the player based on reported results.  Not sure if google spreadsheets would work for this, or if anyone knows of a plugin that could do this, but any advice or help would be greatly appeciated.
