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Drag'n'drop Language order to display on site | Forum

Veronica Apr 10 '11
I can't do the "Drag'n'drop Language order to display on site" on the "Available languages" Admin page.

I want to change default language from english to a local language but I can't see how it can be performed.
The Forum post is edited by Veronica Apr 10 '11
Den Team
Den Apr 11 '11
What browser do you use? You must be able to drag it by clicking on lang
Veronica Apr 11 '11
Thanks after reading your reply
I tested with Firefox and it worked OK,
but I still can't do the changes with IE
Jochen Aug 9 '14
Hi all, I have the same problem, (with oxwall version 1.7.0) but it does not work with all browsers, IE, Firefox and Chrome.

Anyone an ideahow to solve this ?

br, Jochen

ross Team
ross Aug 11 '14
what browsers versions do you use? please disable all third-party plugins and pieces of code and try again